Lil' Tugboat: May 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Children's Museum - Tot Spot

We went to the Children's Museum with Bethany and Violet on Saturday. They were crazy for knocking down blocks and playing in a kid-size sink. The best part was at lunch (Freebirds) when Violet grabbed a straw and started drinking her refried beans. Thanks for the belly laugh Violet.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Zoo ... Again

Did someone find goggles?

Goggles and a lock. Who'd have thought these miscellaneous things would entertain a kid. Adele liked looking at herself in the mirror when wearing the goggles, and thought spinning the dial on the lock was pretty neat.

Welcom Malia Pettit

Ryan and Elaine Pettit

We went to see our friends Ryan and Elaine Pettit recently. Adele loved their dogs, Honey and Tootsie. She also loved playing in their backyard.