Lil' Tugboat: December 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning 2008

Thank you, Sara for sending us this great gift set. Adele had fun going through the different items, and showing them to us. Mmmm ... good.

Adele is a little nervous about the automatic trains, and it's taking some time for her to think that it's okay that they move on their own. She likes the push, non-automatic sets, but she's still apprehensive about the whole set up. Hmm ... should we box it all up and give it to her next year? Maybe she's a little too young to understand the concept.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Oh Adele ...

Adele is 17 months old now. She's a very loving and happy girl.

Some of the things she saying right now are:
hello (more like hall-o), she's also crazy for waving and blowing kisses
hi (hi-ee)
garbage (gorbage)
Angie (Hangee)
applesauce (appatot)
Violet (Eyet, sometimes Eye-o-yet)
Na, na (no, no) with her index finger pointing down

Some noises she likes making are:
Ooh, ooh, ah, ah (like a monkey)
Whoosh (for the wind)

She also likes to clap and stomp her feet. One of the newer things she's learned is to turn around in a circle. She's gets dizzy, and thinks she's pretty funny. She also likes to push her cheeks together. She's been doing this for awhile now, and we've dubbed it, "Chubby, chubby cheeks." She also likes doing chubby cheeks on other people, especially me.

So cute ...

One of the flight attendants I work with made this darling sign for Adele's room. Thank you, Dawn! We love it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

We flew to Utah to spend Thanksgiving with my family. I was all excited to take pictures of my family members (to make flashcards for Adele) and the battery died, not just one battery, but the extra I brought just in case the first one pooped out. Note to self, next time bring the battery charger. I did get a couple of good, flashcard worthy shots before the second battery died. Athena and Alexandria. I was also bummed because my brother was married the Saturday after Thanksgiving and I wasn't able to get any pictures. Again, note to self, next time bring the battery charger. Like duh.

Trip to Arizona

I ventured to Arizona to have my toofusses fixed ("toofusses" = "teeth," in some cultures, which amuses me). Yes, two of my toofusses needed some cosmetic work. With one week of vacation, a jumpseat, and a great discount on crowns I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Also, I knew I could trust the person performing the work. I have one more trip to Arizona for the final product, and then I'll post some before and after shots.

In the meantime, here are some pictures taken at Peter Piper Pizza.