Lil' Tugboat: November 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Motorcycle Show...

Adam and Adele went to the motorcycle show together on Sunday, 11/23/08, after Mamma left to go get her teeth worked on by Brent, our brother-in-law. Here are some pics from the motorcycle extravaganza...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sick Adele...

Adele is sick right now. The poor little thing. She had a fever of 103.5 on Monday morning around 2:00 am. The fever did go down with Ibuprofen and Tylenol (switching every other dose). The other symptoms like her constant runny nose, cough, chest congestion, and rash are the ones I have a hard time controlling. Today she's a little better, but the nights have been rough. I am very lucky that I can take sick days from work to care for her. I'm hoping that by Wednesday or Thursday she'll be back to her cute, healthy self.

Before the Roseola thing, we battled an earache for about a week. The nights were horrendous. She went an entire weekend without eating anything (drank about 6 Oz. of Gatorade). This video is of us trying to figure out how to fix her and get her to go back to sleep...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Baby Olympics IIIIV...

Bareback Dog Riding Competition...Giddy-up...

Freestyle Stair Climbing Competition...Never before successfully executed in competition, before this...a five-stair ascent, with a baby gate unlatch AND relatch...

Timed Half-Stairway Descent...Aunt Michelle, Uncle Chris, Lauren, and Nico trained her for this event...I think this was a new record for this facility...

The Children's Museum

This was the first time we ventured out of the kiddie room. Adele had a great time. We went to an old Mexican village (complete with a tortilleria), we went shopping at a market (Adele had a thing for avocados), and Adele said "Hello" to, and milked, a cow. Later, we went back to the kiddie room for some of Adele's favorites ... the play car and the ride-on fish (or whatever that big orange thing is).

Go Adele, Go!

Adele likes to be involved when Adam's doing push-ups. She nudged herself under his belly when he was in the up position and then rolled out from under him when he came back down to the floor. I couldn't capture that exact moment in a picture, but you get the idea. It was pretty cute, and I couldn't believe how coordinated she was. She definitely gets that from Adam (I have no grace/coordination whatsoever). She also attempted her first somersault.

Emily's House

We went to Emily's house last Saturday night. We had a great time eating homemade pizza and playing games. Pit anyone? Adele was having fun trying to get as close as she could to a dachshund named Shotgun. He was a good sport.

Friday, November 7, 2008


These pictures are also a few weeks old.

We went to the Arboretum with our neighbors Jim and Pilar. In the picture of me and Adele you may be able to see some turtles sunning themselves on a log. We were fixated with these turtles for about 15 minutes. Adam and Jim were trying to scheme up some way to get to the turtles, but after awhile they gave up. They figured getting wet and slimy wasn't worth getting a closer look.

The Boo Zoo

I'm a little late posting Adele's Halloween adventures. We braved the crowd and headed to the zoo with 1000 other patrons.

When I bought her costume I thought it was a sunflower. The whole day at the zoo Adam and I kept saying, "Adele, you are such a cute, little sunflower." Then, every time someone would ask what she was we'd respond, "She's a sunflower." No one ever corrected us. It wasn't until a week later at a friend's party that someone said something like, "You're a cute daisy Adele." It finally hit me that yes, indeed, she was a daisy. The petals are white. Duh.

It ended up getting really warm, and Adele was sweating in her costume. She ended up wearing only her onesie. She enjoyed the pumpkin patch and wanted to take home every pumpkin she touched. It was pretty cute.

At Home...Before the event...

Thank you, Katie B.

We are the very lucky and grateful recipients of slightly worn clothes from Katie B. We can't believe how cute these clothes are, and that someone would be so generous as to give them away. We've received numerous shipments, and we are very grateful. Thanks Katie!

Park Pictures

These pictures were taken a few weeks ago. Jared and Noel were visting from Austin. We had a KFC picnic in the park. We then played a few rounds of touch football, and my favorite part was Adam trying to teach me a quaterback sneak. Noel and I mastered our frisbee skills, while Adele watched. It was a great day at the park.