Lil' Tugboat: Baby Olympics IIIIV...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Baby Olympics IIIIV...

Bareback Dog Riding Competition...Giddy-up...

Freestyle Stair Climbing Competition...Never before successfully executed in competition, before this...a five-stair ascent, with a baby gate unlatch AND relatch...

Timed Half-Stairway Descent...Aunt Michelle, Uncle Chris, Lauren, and Nico trained her for this event...I think this was a new record for this facility...


Missy said...

This is hysterical! What a champion already! Isn't it amazing how fast they pick up on things? Just wait until she figures out how to climb onto the table, the counters, the bookcase.... Monkeys.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel, Your daughter is so cute. They're right she does look like her mommy. Awhhh so sweet.

Take care,